Directory of environmental organisations - page 4
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Natur am Byth!
The ‘Natur am Byth!’ partnership[i] unites nine environmental charities and Natural Resources Wales to deliver the country’s largest natural heritage and outreach programme to save species ...
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Natural Power
Natural Power is an independent consultant and service provider. And we only ever work on green energy projects. Since 1995 we have worked towards creating a better environment for future ...
Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales is the largest Welsh Government Sponsored Body - employing 1,900 staff across Wales with a budget of £180 million. We were formed in April 2013, largely taking over ...
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NatureSpace Partnership
NatureSpace Partnership is working to reduce the adverse impact of development on biodiversity through better off-site ecological mitigation and habitat creation. The NatureSpace Schemes ...
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Norfolk FWAG
Norfolk FWAG is a not-for-profit organisation which provides conservation advice to landowners. It is led by a voluntary steering group of farmers and statutory organisations, including ...
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North York Moors National Park Authority
The North York Moors National Park Authority looks after this beautiful corner of Yorkshire, helping to protect and conserve it, while encouraging people to enjoy and understand how special ...
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Ocean Conservation Trust
The Ocean Conservation Trust has been running the UK’s largest charitable aquarium for over 20 years. The National Marine Aquarium, in Plymouth, was the first UK aquarium set up specifically to ...
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PJC Consultancy
PJC Consultancy is relatively unique in that we offer arboricultural, ecological and landscape design services, all from one integrated consultancy. This is increasingly useful for ...
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Pesticide Action Network UK
We are the only UK charity focused solely on tackling the problems caused by pesticides and promoting safe and sustainable alternatives in agriculture, urban areas, homes and gardens. We ...
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Pulse Environmental Limited
Pulse Environmental is a customer focused, environmentally led, waste management company offering recycling and secure destruction services within the Greater London area. ...
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RSK Biocensus
RSK Biocensus is a leading provider of consultancy and contracting services in the ecological sector. Our refined service offering covers a complete range of ecological services, including ...
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Rainforest Foundation UK
At RFUK, we tackle deforestation locally and globally. Locally, we help forest communities to gain land rights, challenge logging companies, manage their forests and protect their ...
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Raise: Cumbria Community Forest
Raise is the home and champion of Cumbria Community Forest. A collective of science-led foresters and ecologists, artists, artisans and academics, we are passionate about trees and ...
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Regen is a not-for-profit centre of energy expertise and market insight whose mission is to transform the world’s energy systems for a zero carbon future. Regen offers independent expert advice ...
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Rewilding Britain
We are the first and only country-wide organisation in Britain focusing on rewilding and the amazing benefits it can bring for people, nature and climate. We want to see rewilding flourishing ...
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River Lark Catchment Partnership
The River Lark Catchment Partnership is a group of organisations and individuals that have come together to enable a cohesive approach to the environmental challenges facing the River Lark. ...
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SCOTLAND: The Big Picture
SCOTLAND: The Big Picture works to drive the recovery of nature across Scotland through rewilding, in response to the growing climate and biodiversity crises. Our vision is of a vast ...
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Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT)
For over 50 years, the Scottish Wildlife Trust has worked with its members, partners and supporters in pursuit of its vision of healthy, resilient ecosystems across Scotland’s land and ...
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Shropshire Wildlife Trust
We are the only charitable organisation in the county focused solely on nature conservation in Shropshire. Shropshire Wildlife Trust is one of 46 Wildlife Trusts working across the UK. For ...
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We verify environmental performance and sustainability claims, and spread awareness of green building success on a global scale. We support companies on their sustainability goals in ...
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Sow the City
Sow the City is a Manchester-based social enterprise. Established in 2009 with a few packets of seeds and some compost, we’re now helping thousands of people to green the city. We transform ...
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Stepney City Farm
Stepney City Farm is a 4.5 acre working farm; a rural oasis, in the heart of Tower Hamlets. Visiting the farm is one of many unique and fun free things to do in London. We give children and ...
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Surrey Wildlife Trust
Surrey Wildlife Trust is a wildlife charity and is one of 46 Wildlife Trusts working across the UK. With the invaluable support of volunteers and members we care for over 6,500ha of land ...
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Sussex Wildlife Trust
We are a conservation charity for everyone who cares about nature in Sussex. We focus on protecting the wonderfully rich natural life that is found across our towns, countryside and coast. ...
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We’re custodians of the National Cycle Network, a UK-wide network of traffic-free paths for everyone, connecting cities, towns and countryside, loved by the communities they serve. We bring people ...
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Tees Rivers Trust
The Tees Rivers Trust is a charitable organisation, committed to improving and conserving the River Tees. Our work is varied and covers the whole of the catchment from Cross Fell to the ...
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Thames21 is the voice for London’s waterways, working with communities to improve rivers and canals for people and wildlife. We mobilise thousands of volunteers every year to clean and ...
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The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)
We bring people together to create, improve and care for green spaces. From local parks and community gardens to Local Nature Reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest; from school ...
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The Country Trust
We are a small, dynamic national education charity dedicated to bringing alive the working countryside for children least able to access it. Since 1978 The Country Trust has been making ...
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The Environmental Dimension Partnership Ltd (EDP)
Providing independent environmental planning and design advice to property and energy sector clients throughout the UK from offices in the Cotswolds, and Cardiff. Our purpose is to deliver ...
Showing 91-120 of 1137 results