Council Climate Action Scorecards Volunteer Assessor

Climate Emergency UK


Volunteer • Part Time

Sectors: environmental policy & campaigning, carbon, climate & energy

Closing date: Monday, 9th September 2024  

Following the success of the first-ever Council Climate Action Scorecards last year, Climate Emergency UK is looking to create the second edition of the Action Scorecards. Analysing council climate action only becomes valuable if you track the progress that has been made. We need your help to create the 2025 Action Scorecards and score councils on their actual climate action.

There are two cohorts: August-September 2024 (Cohort 1) and late September-October 2024 (Cohort 2)

Why are we doing this?

We’re in a climate crisis, and local councils have the power and influence over around 30% of emissions in their local area. Councils are uniquely placed to make a real impact on emissions within their area. But we know that councils can be taking more effective action as the average score in the 2023 Action Scorecards was only 32%. The Scorecards are a campaigning tool that residents can use to hold their council to account on their climate action, and lobby for specific, targeted change. We have also found evidence of 1 in 5 councils using and referencing the Scorecards in committee meetings, reports or in their own press releases and organisations across the sector are utilising the data from the Scorecards as well. Finally, this UK wide assessment will demonstrate where the UK and devolved governments need to provide more support to local authorities in order for them to take even further action.

How can you help?

We need at least 200 volunteers to pull this project off! You can help by volunteering to score councils on each of the 7 sections of our Action Scorecards. This year volunteers will be marking specific sections for councils (e.g. marking only all the Transport questions for the councils you are marking). You will score councils in your particular section by researching publicly available information on councils’ websites and relevant strategies. Training and guides will be made available to you to help in the process.

Scoring one council on one section will take approx. 2 hrs (though the more you do, the quicker you will be). It’s best if you are able to work from a laptop or a computer with good internet, as you will need to be able to access council websites and our online scoring system. 

We’d like you to mark at least 10 councils on one of the seven sections over a period of 4 weeks. This equates to a total of 20 hours of volunteering over 4 weeks, roughly 5 hours a week, but this can be done at your own pace. 

What experience do I need?

We will provide training so you don’t need any experience. If you have previous experience of working in or campaigning at a local council level that is a bonus, but not needed to apply.

What will I gain?

This is a great opportunity to understand how local councils work, as well as understanding local government policy on Climate Action. This is a good chance to improve your research and analytical skills too. By helping with this project you will be making a real contribution to the fight against the climate crisis.

What we need from you:

You will need to attend a total of 2 sessions: 

  • Scorecards Volunteer Inductions: You will need to attend one induction session on either Tuesday 6th or Thursday 8th August 2024 from 5:30 to 6:30pm and for cohort two: either Tuesday 17th or Thursday 19th September 2024 from 5:30 to 6:30pm
  • Scorecards Scoring Training: You will only need to attend only one of the training sessions but please keep both of the evenings free until you are allocated a Scorecards section, which will determine which session you need to attend: either Tuesday 13th or Thursday 15th August. You will need to be available from 5:30-7pm. For cohort two the dates are either Tuesday 24th or Thursday 26th September. You will need to be available from 5:30-7pm.

The commitment to 20 hours of volunteering, over a 4 week period, at your own pace.

Note: We will not accept current Councillors or Officers (Parish/Town councillors or staff are free to apply). 

How it works

  • You will receive training on how the scoring system works.
  • You will be assigned 10 or more councils to score depending on your availability.
  • You will be supported through online communication with other volunteers across the country.
  • You will be supported on Slack so at any point you will be able to ask questions of CE UK staff and other volunteers.
  • You will score those sections via our online scoring system. What you mark will be audited to ensure the system is fair and accurate.

Apply today below

Cohort 1 - August-September 2024
Cohort 2 - Late September-October 2024

Want to do more? 

Be part of our Local Climate Policy Programme, a 4 week in-depth introduction into local climate policy and action alongside the practical experience of assessing council climate action. Find out more here.

Contact: If you’d like to get involved, learn more or need any help at all during the process please don’t hesitate to email [email protected]