Octopus Community Network

Working for Octopus Community Network

Established in 1999 the Octopus Community Network (Octopus) is a group of pioneering community organisations working collaboratively to provide services and opportunities that support the most deprived communities in London.

Our principal objectives are:

  • To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Greater London by associating local authorities, voluntary organisations and other agencies and inhabitants in a common effort to advance education and provide facilities to improve social welfare, recreation and leisure-time occupation.
  • The promotion of the voluntary sector for the benefit of the public.

We do this by:

  • Engaging diverse communities in meaningful activities and services by reaching out to and supporting those most in need.
  • Inspiring our communities by developing activities that raise aspirations and a ‘can do’ mentality to advice social and economic integration.
  • Motivating our communities to live life to its fullest potential.
  • Equipping our communities with the skills, confidence and competence to seize a meaningful and rewarding place within society.
  • Supporting our communities into positive and relevant activities to ensure a better quality of life and greater opportunities.

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