Course: Learning Day - Restoring Wild Rivers

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

14th April 2025
Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland

Rivers, Water & HydrologyEcologyConservation & Wildlife

Freshwater is our lifeblood and yet globally, wetlands are disappearing three times faster than forests. Rivers too are under threat - for centuries, Scotland's rivers have been straightened, confined and tidied, leading to most of our rivers performing far below their ecological potential. 

But today, as climate breakdown impacts on species like Atlantic salmon, rivers are being rewiggled, deadwood is being reintroduced and artificial barriers are being removed, returning rivers to their natural meandering course, diversifying flows and restoring connectivity from source to sea. 

This course will help you understand the complex needs of rivers and the urgent need to restore natural river processes for the benefit of both people and wildlife. 

This Learning Day will cover:

  • What is 'Stage Zero' river restoration and why does it matter? 
  • Why are floodplains and buffers important?
  • What trees bring most benefit to watercourses and how to protect them? 
  • How to create a functioning leaky dam.
  • How to get started on your own riverwoods journey.

This Learning Day is for you if:

  • you are student, graduate or interested in pursuing a career within the rewilding/nature restoration sector.
  • you are a landowner or land manager interested in learning about river restoration and riparian habitats. 
  • you are a conservation/rewilding professional wishing to upskill. 

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About SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture works to drive the recovery of nature across Scotland through rewilding, in response to the growing climate and biodiversity crises. Our vision is of a vast network of rewilded land and water across Scotland, where wildlife flourishes and people thrive.

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