Course: Nine Ways to Rewild - Rewilding Training Course

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

12th-17th April and 4th-9th October 2025
Glen Feshie, Cairngorms, Scotland

Conservation & WildlifeEcology


Since 2020, SCOTLAND: The Big Picture (SBP) has convened and coordinated the Northwoods Rewilding Network, a Scotland-wide chain of more than 75 landholdings, all committed to nature recovery.

Northwoods is underpinned by nine core rewilding principles that can be applied at different scales and across different settings, but are all designed to drive benefits for nature, climate and people.

This training course will explore these nine principles in an inspirational and dynamic learning environment.

This course is for you if:

  • you’re a student, graduate or someone interested in pursuing a career within the rewilding/nature restoration sector.
  • you’re a conservation/rewilding professional wishing to upskill to maximise your impact.
  • you’re a land manager or agent seeking to expand your ecological knowledge.
  • you work for an ESG-conscious business and wish to understand how you might support ecological restoration, or rewilding.

During this course you will learn:

  • how to ‘see’ the landscape as a constantly changing living system.
  • about the history of the rewilding movement in Scotland, and the present-day actors. 
  • about the ecological concepts that underpin rewilding.
  • how the ‘Northwoods Nine’ rewilding principles look and work in the field.
  • why rewilding matters to people and communities.
  • how to put your new found knowledge into practice.

You’ll go away with:

  • an appreciation of the full potential for rewilding and its ability to deliver multiple benefits to nature, climate and people. 
  • knowledge of ecological principles and how they translate to action on the ground.
  • tools and techniques to enable you to make rewilding happen at different scales and settings.
  • a complimentary copy of our Northwoods Nine book and a copy of our MeWilding ebook.
  • a course completion certificate.

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About SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture works to drive the recovery of nature across Scotland through rewilding, in response to the growing climate and biodiversity crises. Our vision is of a vast network of rewilded land and water across Scotland, where wildlife flourishes and people thrive.

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