Course: Rewilding Communications Training

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

8th-13th March and 9th-14th November 2025
Glen Feshie, Cairngorms, Scotland

Conservation & WildlifeEcology


Our small group training courses provide a transformative learning experience in an inspirational and dynamic environment.

This course is for you if:

  • you’re a student or early-career environmental communicator looking to grow in confidence and employability.
  • you’re a conservation/rewilding professional wishing to upskill to maximise your impact.
  • you’re a land manager or agent wishing to tell your story in a compelling way.
  • you work for an ESG-conscious business and wish to inspire your audience about the benefits of rewilding.

During this course you will learn:

  • how to ‘see’ the landscape differently, as a constantly changing ecological system, and to understand the impact of ecological blindness.
  • about the importance of understanding your audience and what works in terms of motivating behavioural change.
  • storytelling techniques and how to craft a positive, solutions-focused narrative around nature recovery.
  • how to use the tool of visual imagery to speak to the heart, not just the head.
  • the art of confident public speaking to intimate groups, conference audiences, on camera and on radio.
  • which platforms perform best to get your message out.

You’ll go away with:

  • an appreciation of the full potential for rewilding and its message of hope.
  • tools and techniques to enable you to effectively communicate informative and inspiring rewilding stories.
  • the skills to speak confidently about rewilding in public and in the media.
  • a complimentary copy of our landmark book, SCOTLAND: A Rewilding Journey and a copy of our Hearts & Minds report.

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About SCOTLAND: The Big Picture

SCOTLAND: The Big Picture works to drive the recovery of nature across Scotland through rewilding, in response to the growing climate and biodiversity crises. Our vision is of a vast network of rewilded land and water across Scotland, where wildlife flourishes and people thrive.

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