Course: Beaver Conservation, Ecology and Management (Autumn)

The Species Recovery Trust

Willington Wetlands Nature Reserve, Derby
24th April or 19th September 2024

Cost: £85

Sectors: conservation & wildlife, ecology

Eurasian beavers were once widespread in England but were hunted to extinction by the 16th century for their fur, meat and scent glands. However, they are now slowly returning to the UK, with reintroductions being licensed across the country. As such, it is extremely important to understand the ecology of this species and in particular the impact that reintroductions have on other biodiversity.

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Beaver biology, ecology and field signs
  • The history of beavers in Britain
  • Legal status of beavers
  • Beaver reintroductions and conservation case studies
  • The impact of beavers on biodiversity

This course consists of a 2-hour taught indoor element, followed by an evening trip to the Willington Wetlands Reserve, to observe beavers in their natural setting.

The course will be run by Kate Lemon and colleagues, who run the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust beaver re-introduction project, carrying out monitoring on the population and advising other landowners and conservation bodies on nearby projects. Kate is currently Landscape Recovery Manager with the trust.

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