Course: Early Season Grass Identification
The Species Recovery Trust
A one-day course giving participants;
- confidence in identifying key grasses when not in flower
- a good feel for grass groups of neutral and unimproved calcareous grassland and their use as indicator species
- a chance to learn memorable features, allowing grasses in any condition to be identified to species level
Nearly every species of grass and most sedges have at least one key feature, which can be used to pinpoint them to genus and species level. This course aims to teach people to spot and memorise these characters for the majority of common species and some of the more specialised species found on unimproved grasslands.
This training day will give participants the confidence to identify a wide range of grasses at a time of year when many of them are not flowering. Throughout the day several species will be repeatedly examined and candidates tested on these, leaving them able to confidently identify 20 species. The workshop will be carried out on 3 different grassland types, and also focus on using indicator grasses to assess habitat type and quality.
A similar course runs again on 1st May, 30th June, 4th Sept and 6th Nov.
About The Species Recovery Trust
We are a charity devoted to saving some of Britain’s most endangered species.
The Species Recovery Trust is committed to preventing the loss of some of the rarest plant, insect and animal species in the UK, with our primary aim being to remove 50 species from the edge of extinction by 2050.
Our work involves producing dynamic conservation strategies informed by detailed scientific knowledge, and making sure they are carried out effectively throughout our conservation sites.
We are a charity devoted to saving some of Britain’s most endangered species. The Species Recovery Trust is committed to preventing the loss of some of the rarest plant, insect and animal species in the UK, with our primary aim being to remove 50 species from the edge of extinction by 2050. Our work involves producing dynamic conservation strategies informed by detailed scientific knowledge, and making sure they are carried out effectively throughout our conservation sites.
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