Course: NVC: Winter Habitat Survey - Understanding and Describing Plant Communities

Field Studies Council

Williton, Exmoor National Park, Somerset
23rd - 24th November 2024

Cost: £250 - Students can get 20% off using code 'BioStudent20'

Sectors: ecology, conservation & wildlife

This intermediate course will provide you with the skills required to confidently use the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) in winter as a framework to approach how plant communities are responding to environmental change. It is a key skill for many within and interested in an environmental career.

The ideal time to survey habitats is in the summer, but there are often times when an out-of-season survey is required. There are also times when you might find yourself in a potentially interesting place and wonder whether it’s worth a revisit at a better time of year. By building identification and survey skills in winter, you can develop an appreciation for the range of species found in certain areas.

This course includes:

  • Identification of plants
  • A focus on key indicator species
  • Using vegetative characteristics and remains of flowering parts
  • The use of a potentially restricted range of species to arrive at an assessment of habitat type (NVC, Section 41 etc) and condition

This course is eligible for a student discount. If you are a current student, please use discount code BioStudent20 at checkout for 20% off.

Please refer to the Field Studies Council website for further information and to book.

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